Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 14 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side A).tzx
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5 "9";"PRESS A KEY": 4 h;"Page ";a/h: 4 h;"PRESS A KEY": 4 h;" 48K Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 4 h,v;"#$%"; 4 - Q to Quit": 4 "8";"START THE TAPE": 4 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3 "CDRSTSOFGRSTSRCSRNLTSR" 2 pig z: 2 mooncresta 2 cCONGRATULATIONS| 2 Sam Stoat 2 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2 D.Mouse 2 CCCCCCCCCCC 2 Bridge 2 ;"cartoon5" 2 ;"START THE TAPE": 2 -f;" T H E M A Z E O F D E A T H "; 2 -f;" PRESS ENTER TO PLAY THE GAME ": 2 "mooncresta" 2 "c5screen" 2 "Sam Stoat" 2 1984 IAN BRANDON ";#1 2 000000 1 ~hhflh~lhl 1 ~#G~#2<\~#2 1 ||||||```````xxxxx``````````````yyyyyyyy``xxxxxxx```````````````zzzzzzzz``z`````````````````````zzzzzz````zzzzzzzzz`````````````xxxxxxxx``xxxxxxxxx`````````````xxxxxxx````````````````````````````````````ggggggggg```````````````````````g```x```g```````````````````````g```z```g``````````````````xxxx`gx`````xg`xxxx``````````````````gz`````xg```````````````````````g```x```g```````````````````````g```````g```````````````````````ggggggggg```````````````````````````````````````xxxxx`````````````xxxxx`````````xxxxxxxxxxxxx``xxxxxxxxx````````x 1 z$=" the magazine, but the letters on tape are the best of all, because we can share them with the other readers. Our usual bribe of ten C15's (which as you know are longer running than C5's) has not attracted enough letters, so we're going to up the ante to 15 quid cash for every reader's letter that we publish. Over to you.": 1 z$=" instead of turning it over to a guest. Even the editorial is not immune to the reader's thumb, be it up or down. Send the survey card, your letters, or software contributions to- 'Spectrum Computing' Argus Press Software Liberty House 222 Regent Street London W1R 7DB": 1 z$=" Yesterday we received a nappy, one of those cosy disposable ones with elastic legholes. Today another arrived, sent on from our old address. As I do not use them myself, I gave them to an unmarried mother of my(quite innocent)aquaintance. But why are we being favoured with such gifts, and who is our anonymous benefactor?": 1 z$=" Wizard Prang's Headache Mantra": 1 z$=" Well, I do know who, but 'why' escapes me. There is only one software house that sends PR handouts to both our old and new addresses (not counting that other load of wallies at Argus), and that is Mikro-Gen. Emblazoned on the nappies was the legend 'There's a big one coming your way!'. Message received, take cover everyone.": 1 z$=" We also need to know what you think about the magazine as it enters its third year, so we want you to fill in our survey. There's a bribe for that, too. Six free subscriptions will be lavished on the first cards to be drawn from Wizard Prang's battered hat. The survey is last program on side two. What do YOU think of us so far?": 1 z$=" The results of the survey will definitely affect the future course of 'Spectrum Computing' so don't be left out. Prang is so worried about his standing that he has volunteered to let readers drop bricks on his head in an eccentric attempt to court popularity. And our resident hacker is tending to the hangout in person for once,": 1 z$=" The 'Spectrum Computing' post bag hits this office like a canister of nitrous oxide. PR people are apparently quite unable to understand what tape magazines are all about. What are we supposed to do with a glossy black and white photo of an Oric disk drive? Or a tape of an Amstrad clone of 'Fred'? Hah? Hah! Hahahaha!": 1 z$=" PIGGY IS LOADING - PLEASE WAIT" 1 z$=" Amid the announcements from Commodore, late invitations to last week's press bashes, and entertaining fiction from SRL, there is always plenty of new Spectrum software to review, but what we are really looking for is that occasional letter from our readers. The paper ones are a welcome feedback, telling us what you want in": 1 z$=" Press 'L' to LOAD the next section of the magazine."+ 1 z$=" Turn the tape over and play the other side.": 1 z$=" In The Post": 1 xzzxxxxxxxx``zzzzzzz``````````xxxzzxxxxxxxx``zzz``````````````xxxzzxxxxxxxx``xxxxxxxxx````````xxxzz````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 w$=" ": 1 th,tv;"#": 1 reviews 9 1 piggy p 1 ph,pv;"#": 1 ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnxxxxnhhhhhoohhhhEEEEEHhhhhhhhhhnxxxxnhhhhhoohhhhGGGGGHhhhhhhhhhnxxxxnhhhhhoohhhhGGGGGHhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnhhhhhoohhhhGGGGGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxxxxxxGGGGGHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGGGGGHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx``````GGGGGH``````````````````````````GGGGGLbbbb````````````````````````````bbbb````````````````````````````bbbb````````````````````````````bbbb````````````````````aaaa````````````````````````````aaaa````````````````````````````aaaa````````````````````````````aaaa````````````````````````BBBBBBBBBBBB 1 nh,nv;"#$": 1 n joystick is cateredfor, and a definable keyboard allows for use of other types. There are special instructions for defining the Spectrum+ keys." 1 mh,mv;"#"; 1 hhjjjjjjjjGGGGG 1 hhjjjjjjjjGGGG 1 hh,hv;"#$": 1 headache 1 hat do I know?": 1 ff`bffbffbf 1 f<bbffb<fbf 1 death 1 cover J 1 cartoon 1 cYOU HERO| 1 cYOU HAVE BEATEN THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE.NOW TRY THE 2nd CODE|! 1 cTEN SCREENS| 1 cS.MONKS PRESENTS|> 1 cPRESS A KEY|: 1 cPRESS A KEY| 1 cPIGGYS:3|> 1 cMONEY `00000| 1 cLOADING|>#2 1 cHI STEVE|: 1 cGAME OVER| 1 cFINISHED,CAN YOU TAKE TEN MORE?| 1 cCONTROL KEYS- Q A O P OR USE THEKEMPSTON JOYSTICK- SPACE TO QUIT| 1 cAGAIN? Y/N|: 1 c5screen 1 c5code 1 c STOP THE TAPE! | 1 c `00000| 1 bh,bv;"#$"; 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb**ffffr r**bb**ffff********bbr* **bb** **** **r **bbff fffb b* **bbff fffb b* **bbff fffbbbb* **bb** * **bb** ***********bb** ** ********bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbr***b r * bb*fffb * bbbbb bb*fffb rbff* bb*bbbb * **ffb bb***** b bffb bb*bbbb b bffb bb*fffb bbbb*bb bb*fffb ***r*** bb*fffb ******* bb***** bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfb f b f f brfbbfb b b b b b*fbb b b b b*fbb b b b b*fbb bbbbbb b r*fbb b b****bb*** b bbbb*f**bbff* *****f**bbff*** **fffff*bbff*** ********bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bfbfb b b b bb bbb b b b b b bfbbf ffff ffffbbb brbb bb bfbbfr f b bf fbbb*bfbbbbbbb bfbbf b bbb b b b b b b bbf f f bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ffff fff bbfb bbbb bbb bfbbfb bfbbfb bbb bb bfbb ffb bf bfbb bfffb bf bb b bbbb bbb b bb ff bb bb bb bbb bb bb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb f ffffff fff bb b bbbbbb bbb bb 1 `fhhffhflhf 1 ZXCVASDFGQWERT1234509876POIUY 1 YOUR SCORE 1 Y>N2BY2CY} 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 Tel (0392) 218166 1 TV,TH;Q$(w 1 TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTdTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTdddTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTdddddTRRRRRRRRRRRRTdddddddTRRRRRRRRRRTdddddddddTRRRRRRRRTdddddddddddTRRRRRRTdddddddddddddTRRRRTdddddddddddddddTRRTdddddddddddddddddTTddddddddddddddddddDDdddddddddddddddddD@@DdddddddddddddddD@@@@DdddddddddddddD@@@@@@DdddddddddddD@@@@@@@@DdddddddddD@@@@@@@@@@DdddddddD@@@@@@@@@@@@DdddddD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DdddD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DdD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTdRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTddmmmTRRRRRRRRRRRRRdddmmmdTRRRRRRRRRRRRdddmmmddTRRRRRRRRRRRdddmmmdddTRRRRRRRRRRdddmmmddddmmmmmmmmmmdddmmmddddmmmmmmmmmmdddmmmddddmmmmmmmmmmdddmmmddddmmmmmmmmmmdddmmmddddmmmmmmmmmmdddmmmddddmmmmmmmmmmdddmmmdddD@@@@@@@@@@dddmmmddD@@@@@@@@@@@dddmmmdD@@@@@@@@@@@@dddmmmD@@@@@@@@@@@@@ddd@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ddd@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Dd@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@D 1 TERRY GREER 1 START TAPE 1 SJM 514*COUNTYFAIR* 1 RAMTOP IS MOVED - YOU ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CHAIN-ING UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE REVIEW SECTION TO AVOID UNUSUAL EFFECTS 1 M/C 0 1 HIGH SCORE 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGD888888888888888D 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGBBGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGED@@GGGGCCFDDDDDDDDDDFGGGGFFFFFFDDE@CED@EFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGFFFFFFGGGGGGEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGFFFFFFFE@F@@EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAFF@GEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFADDEEEFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCABEEEEFFFFEEFFFFFFFFFGGFFFFFFFFGBEEEEEFFFFDAFFFFFFFFFGGGGFFFFFFAEEEEEEFFFFEEFFFFFFFFFFGGGFFFFFFEEEEEEAFFFFF@CFFFFFFFFFFGGFFFFFFEEEEEDAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGFFFFFFEEEEEADDFFFFFFFFFFGGFFFFGGFFFFFFEEEDAEBEEFFFFFFFFGGGFFFFGGFFFFFFEEEDDED@AECEFE@GGGGGFFFGGGFFFFFFEEEEBAFDGEABEAFGGGGGFFFGGGFFFFFFEEE@AB@AFEDGFFBGGGGGBBBGGGFFFFGGEEECB@E@@AAACD@GGGGGBBBGGGGGGGGGEEEEA@FDBDGCE@GGGGGGBBBGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 FGGGGGGGEEEEEEE 1 FFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 FFFFFFFFFF 1 FFFFF888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888xxx8888888888888 888888888888xxxxxxxxx8888888888 88 888888888xxxxxxxxx8888888888((((888888888xxxxxxxxx8888888888(ph(8888(8888xxxxxxxxx888888``88((h(ppp ((888xxxxxxxxx88888888( hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 8888((((((((((((((((((((((((( 8888(((( 888888 ( 8 8(((( 1 FBEEEDCF@GCEC@EE 1 EEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 ECCCCCCCCCCC 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CC{{{{{{CCC 1 CC{{{{{CCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCC 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBBB 1 @EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 @BB D @bbb 1 >I2BY2CY>N2 1 <fxx||xfxx| 1 <>!@#$%_)('&"; 1 <"6\!+l")l>02 1 ;"reading. The nearer you are to exit the more accurate the arrows are." 1 ;"The object of the game is to find the exit of THE MAZE OF DEATH. You start off with four lives. Each time you crash into a wall you lose a life. The game ends when you either lose all your lives, find the exit or abort the game using the abort key (A). To help you on the right of the screen are arrows which point in the direction of the exit. Do not rely on the arrows as they do not always give an accurate" 1 ;"Sam Stoat from Gremlin Graphics"'' 1 ;"STILL LOADING" 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"PRESS ""R"" TO REPEAT": 1 ;"Moon Cresta from Incentive"'' 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"DangerMouse from Creative Sparks"'' 1 ;"Bridge Player 2 from CP Software"'' 1 ;" Z=Left X=Right Q to Quit" 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE AND PRESS A KEY ": 1 ;" Page ";a;" ENTER=Next SPACE=Back": 1 ;" PRESS C TO COPY TO ZX PRINTER" 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" 1=TURN LEFT 0=TURN RIGHT A=ABORT GAME H=HOLD S=START " 1 ;" STOP TAPE THEN PRESS ANY KEY " 1 ;" Press a Key": 1 8<8888888888888 1 13 PALMERSTON DRIVE 1 0erfulgraphics and a sensnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnce. The result is games sosimple as to bore an eight year old, but equipped with wo 1 ...................................................... 1 +" Press any other key to read this section again.": 1 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1 'very sticky') for an enemy sprite. Soremember, steal the diamonds, but try to stay out of the ****.": 1 '''''"Press L to LOAD the Next Item"''"Or Press R to read again"''"Or Just BREAK in to pinch the M/C pain effect routine." 1 '"Unfortunately, the creative sparks at...ah...well anyway, the programmers have apparently been told to write down to theiraudience. The result is games sosimple as to bore an eight year old, but equipped with wonderfulgraphics and a sense of humour." 1 '"Tots are further catered for by using 'tunes' for bullets, whichcause the target to turn and flyoff into the distance (look veryclose!) instead of dying. A Non-violent zap game, whatever next?" 1 '"This must be the first, and I hope the last, game to use 'Gar-den Manure' (described as 'very sticky') for an enemy sprite. Soremember, steal the diamonds, but try to stay out of the ****.": 1 '"There must be a large element ofluck in this game, as I won the first two rubbers played againstthis program and would have had the third had it not been for aninjudicious double. This despitethe fact that I had never playedbefore and didn't use any of thecheat options." 1 '"The usual joysticks will work, but the keys cannot be defined."''"Your grandchildren will love it.": 1 '"The program claims sophisticatedknowledge of bidding. I thought it often overbid the opponents hands, but what do I know?": 1 '"The messy graphics we complainedmutedly about in 'Innocent' havebeen much improved, with more detail and less of the player- entangled-in-the-scenery effect.In fact I'd say that was cured. Nothing left to whine about." 1 '"The implementation is extremely faithful, all a Cresta fanatic could wish, with oodles of speedand authentically whirling enemyships. Your three tiered space- craft rises, detaches its front bit, and falls back before each sortie in the time honored way." 1 '"The computer allows you to cheatby biasing the dealing to give yourself the best hand, or by peeking at the opponents cards, but it won't allow illegal play.This teaches you the rules by a process similar to osmosis." 1 '"Oh yes, I remember now, the instructions on the inlay tell you the wrong control keys. Thatwill do for a black mark, unlessit's due to us having an advance": 1 '"Incentive use Powerload. Our copy loaded first time on this occasion, but if your's won't itis THEIR fault. Make a fuss.": 1 '"In any case, if the controls as given don't work, try Q W P and L instead. Joysticks supported are Kempston and Sinclair, sorryabout the others, the keys are not definable." 1 '"For those who don't know Cresta,it's a space zapper similar to Galaxians, but with the additionof docking maneuvers. Put like that, it sounds old hat and un- exciting, but it is still one ofthe classics." 1 '"For the incurable Cresta freak, there is the usual Incentive competition. Score 30000 points": 1 '"DM and Penfold have travelled well from TV to monitor, and thegame has lots of those little touches that so enrich a programvisually. Shame about the plot.": 1 '"But enough of this chatter, on the next page you get a chance to guide Mr. Prang into the pathof falling bricks to demonstratethe effect. The Wizard is immuneto pain, but has insisted we show only his hat, to preserve his anonymity." 1 '"An antidote to all painkillers, this M/C routine adds visual andaudio agony to the death throes of any alien, and it's easy to use. Just GOTO 3 to get rid of the bulk of this program and then SAVE what's left. MERGE it with your own progs and simply add a GOSUB 1 to illustrate profound agony." 1 '"After that the computer opponentsettled down and destroyed me and my computer partner, but no one lost their temper. This mustbe the easiest way to learn the game without getting shouted at.": 1 '" We advise that you do not use Microdrives with this magazine, as some of the programs have a very low RAMTOP." 1 '" This magazine is composed of a number of programs that chain together, so that each one will LOAD the next when you are ready for it." 1 '" SPECTRUM COMPUTING - ISSUE 14 MAY/JUNE 1 '" Press ENTER to go to next page"'" Press SPACE to go back a page" 1 '" Any particular program can be LOADed using its file name listed on the contents page, but to 'read' everything in the magazine, it is easier to use the chaining." 1 '" CONTENTS - SIDE TWO"'" 48K Card Game ""cribbage"" More New Software ""reviews"" Digital Pegboard ""solitaire"" Hacker's Hangout ""pokecraft"" You're Telling Us ""survey""" 1 '" CONTENTS - SIDE ONE"'" Editorial next page Ten Level digging ""piggy"" New Software ""reviews"" The Maze of ""death"" Terry's Animated ""cartoon"" Prang's Splitting ""headache""" 1 "to get a chance in the draw to win the original 'Moon Cresta' arcade machine!"''"The Kempston joystick is cateredfor, and a definable keyboard allows for use of other types. There are special instructions for defining the Spectrum+ keys." 1 "headache" 1 "copy with pre-production rough edges. Gremlin kindly provide usarthritic hacks a version with an un-killable Stoat so that we get to see more than just the first screen. That gets them a white mark from me, but why should you care?" 1 "\u:[u=2[u>h2 1 "There are three scenarios, the one pictured involves DM pushingone of four buttons by jumping from one of four positions. The second is a jungle scene with a pit to jump and tree to climb, aided by monkeys. The first is an up/down/shoot extravaganza with monster ducks, bulldozers, etc. as enemies." 1 "The last arcade game we had fromIncentive was the most original and whimsically unusual SPLAT. Since then they have offered a string of text adventures. They now return to the arcades with avengeance, to bring the officiallicenced 'Moon Cresta' to the Spectrum." 1 "Sam Stoat, safebreaker, made hisfirst appearance in 'Monty is innocent' trying to rescue the incarcerated mole. Now he has gone back to his thieving ways, mooching about the houses in Gremlin lane with a bag labelled'swag' over his shoulder." 1 "STRSTRNLCSTSRTSTCRSRFGAACAABBPQPQPQPQ" 1 "If you have ever played whist, nap, or canasta you will have notrouble getting started in this game. I still don't understand the scoring (which the computer does anyway) and there must be subtleties to the bidding that I haven't plumbed, but the rulesof play come clear as you go." 1 "DRSTSOFGRSTSRCSRNLTSREYMAOAKBBAACACACAAA" 1 "CVLWYWYWYVWYWYWYAAA" 1 "CSTRSFGTSRSRTSRNLSTSROAABBA" 1 "CSNLTSTRFG" 1 "CNLVWXWVAABC" 1 "CEWYWYWYNOLAAC" 1 "CDRSTSOFGRSTSTSTSTSRCSRNLTSR" 1 "CAABCAABCPQPQFGPQPQPQPQPQPQPQPQPQHINL" 1 "Anybody who thinks that Danger Mouse is a kids show is clingingto adulthood with a tenacity bordering on desperation. Like Rocky and Bullwinkle, this show has sophistication not seen on evening TV until Newsnight." 1 "2Well it took us some time to obtain a large enough memory" 1 "2We've been working for some months now on fifth generation computers" 1 "2Of course its emotional age is very much less than its intellectual acts like a 14 year old" 1 "2Not too bad" 1 "2In the end we decided to startfrom first principles and assumethat the computer was a new bornbaby" 1 "2And we think were now well on the way to a true thinking machine....but there are still problems" 1 "2And compiling the database was very difficult" 1 "2Actualy yes...................Every time we want it to answer a question we have to bribe it first with a game of KNIGHT LORE" 1 "1Problems?...what problems?" 1 "1Is that in itself a problem?" 1 "1How is the research going?" 1 "'Play bridge without having to get three friends in' says the instructions. There's not much conversation across the table asthe computer plays 3 hands." 1 """""""""""""""""""" 1 " OR ANY OTHER TO": 1 " LOAD NEXT ITEM": 1 to start 1 to escape 1 You managed 1 You died 1 Well, I do know who, but 'why' escapes me. There is only one software house that sends PR handouts to both our old and new addresses (not counting that other load of wallies at Argus), and that is Mikro-Gen. Emblazoned on the nappies was the legend 'There's a big one coming your way!'. Message received, take cover everyone._ 1 Well done 1 TO RESTART 1 THIS LINE DESTROYS THE REST OF THE PROGRAM 1 STILL LOADING 1 SILLY GAME FOLLOWS 1 PIGGY IS LOADING - PLEASE WAIT 1 MAZE OF DEATH 1 GAME GRAPHICS 1 CAREFUL! 1 Bad luck 1 APS LTD 1985 222 REGENT ST. LONDON WIR 7DB TELEPHONE 01-439 0666 EDITOR - IOLO DAVIDSON" 1 USE LIST 3 TO SEE REST OF PROG LINE 2 HOLDS "HEADACHE" CODE 1 Turn the tape over and play the other side. 1 EXWICK 1 EXETER EX4 2JA 1 8 1 1 1 1 1